Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow in Dallas

Here some pictures of the snow we are getting. Woohoo. Snow day tomorrow!


  1. NICE pictures! Snow in Dallas? Is that usual? Or a nice treat? It is beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures! How can anyone NOT believe in a Creator that creates such beauty? May God bless you and your family mightily!

  2. There is something so miraculous that takes place when the bland, mono-toned world of winter receives a fresh, cushiony blanket of snow. It's still mono-toned, still cold, still winter - but it somehow seems cleaner, fresher and more beautiful. Hmmm... how like our lives when Christ enters in.
    Beautiful photos!

  3. Wow, you have more snow there than we have here in Colorado Springs. The snow makes everything so clean and fresh...nice pictures.

  4. just be careful. people who never drive in snow have no idea how unsafe it can be. reduce your speed and be extra vigilant. take it from a guy who's been driving in snow for half the year for 20 years.
    pretty though eh? it's not so pretty when the snowbank is higher than your car.

  5. Snow is somewhat unusual in Dallas...this snow broke the record...12 inches. It did not even freeze last winter. It is absolutely beautiful.

  6. Ah, you can thank global warming for that! LOL! :)

  7. If this is what global warming does, I am all for it. Although, I don't feel too warm right now....
